Industry News & Insights

Vulnerable DeFi: The Different Types of Hacks

Vulnerable DeFi: The Different Types of Hacks

There are hacks happening in the crypto ecosystem almost every day. Some are small and targeted towards individuals and some are bigger and targeted towards protocols or businesses. Hackers have many sophisticated ways of getting hold of your funds. This article explains some of the most common types of hacks and how you can try […]

Bringing Security to Esports NFTs: Lossless x IKONIC

Bringing Security to Esports NFTs: Lossless x IKONIC

Crypto space is known to deliver various merges between different fields and fantastic innovations are born. Would it surprise you to see a combination between Esports and NFTs? Didn’t think so. Newzoo estimated that at current growth rates, the Esports market will generate $1.8 billion in revenue by 2022. The NFT market size is expected […]

Securing New Type of Offerings — IMOs: Lossless x KOLnet

Securing New Type of Offerings — IMOs: Lossless x KOLnet

Crypto space users are no longer surprised when new ideas, solutions, or models appear. Blockchain offers that kind of fast development pace for all things crypto, including a new type of offerings. We know IDOs (Initial DEX Offerings), IGOs (Initial Game Offerings), SHOs (Strong Holder Offerings) but have you heard of Initial Marketing Offerings (IMOs)? […]

Your Intro to DeFi Oracles

Your Intro to DeFi Oracles

We recently announced that we will be developing and launching a new product — the Lossless Security Oracle. To better understand what oracles do in DeFi we believe it’s best to have a crash course on the topic. The Invisible Backbone of DeFi An incredible amount of DeFi apps strongly rely on oracles — middleware entities that connect smart contracts […]

Recent Hacks: Lessons

Recent Hacks: Lessons

This crypto security article might be one of the most important ones we have written so far. Especially the first half. Hackers are becoming more sophisticated and are finding ways to target people individually instead of bugs in smart contracts. A typical reaction is to think: “oh, that will never happen to me.” And we […]

AMA Recap: Quick Intro Into Lossless

AMA Recap: Quick Intro Into Lossless

Lossless CMO Monika recently participated in an AMA with the ₿EAR kING community and introduced Lossless in full. Check it out here to get up-to-date with our core idea and technology. *** Q: Can you please introduce yourself and your background, also introduce the team working on Lossless? A: Sure thing. 👏 My name is […]

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